
Fort Lauderdale Injury Lawyers, Auto Accident Lawyers, Car Crash Attorneys

The most common car accident injuries our FT Lauderdale injury lawyers see are head injury. Head and brain injury is a big part of the car accident settlements in Florida. Looking for 411 pain or Morgan and Morgan? Why not try our auto accident lawyers? We have been here since 1991 helping people just like you.

A auto collision, a traffic accident, motor vehicle collision, motor vehicle accident, car accident, automobile accident, Road Traffic Collision (RTC), car crash, occurs when a vehicle crashes into another vehicle, or hits a pedestrian, animal, road debris, or other stationary obstruction, such as a tree or utility pole. Traffic collisions may result in injury, death and property damage.

Hitting the windshield or falling out from the car, when not being harnessed with a safety belt, are main reasons for head injuries in car accidents. head injuries can be concussion or TBI also known as traumatic brain injury

  • unconsciousness,
  • head pain,
  • bleeding
  • visible head deformities,
  • nausea and dizziness
  • Tenderness or instability of head bones upon pressing
  • Painful mouth opening (temporomandibular joint (TMJ) pain)
  • Problems with memory and concentration
  • Pupils of unequal diameter, or excessively wide or narrow
  • Nosebleeds or clear liquid (liquor) leaking from the nose
  • Impaired vision, hearing, smelling or unusual sensations in any body part
  • Weak or paralysed limbs

In order to asses the value of an auto accident case, car accident lawyers look at the extent of injury. Injury is proven by medical documentation bit sometimes additonal investigation is required to make the point of severe debilitating permanent injury. The impact analysis is an important part of making a case for montetary damages. The severity of the collision must be proven. An auto accident reconstruction expert is brought in by your auto accident lawyer to help make the case for the severity of the auto collision.

Collision severity is the quantification of the intensity of an impact. In traffic accident reconstruction, the impact of interest is typically between two vehicles (e.g. automobile, truck, bus, motorcycle, or bicycle), between a vehicle occupant and the vehicle interior, between a vehicle and pedestrian, or between a vehicle and a fixed object (e.g. building, wall, tree, rock, or other landscape feature).

The case must be made for compensatory damages and the statement of facts will include a arguement for

  • A dollar figure will be put on all the consequences of your auto accident by your personal injury lawyer.
  • reimbursement for property damage
  • medical bills. pain and suffering
  • inability to enjoy hobbies
  • physical limitations caused by accident-related injuries.
  • wrongful death of a loved one
  • Medical treatment current past and future
  • Income. your salary and wages
  • compensation for an accident victim s "loss of earning capacity."
  • Property loss.
  • ongoing pain that can be attributed to the accident.
  • Emotional distress
  • Loss of enjoyment.
  • Loss of consortium.

The concept of negligence will be brought up. The insurance company will argue you role in the accident. The more they can say you contributed the less monetary value your case will have. That is why an experienced Fort Lauderdale auto accident lawyer must be hired for your auto accident lawsuit.

Lawyers For Oversedation, Injury and Wrongful death

Lawyers for wrongful death due to oversedation. Over sedation of Children, Dentist oversedation and hospital oversedation wrongful death lawyers for death or brain damage of a loved one due to oversedation.

One of the sources of preventable injury and death in the hospitalized patient involves oversedation of the patient with narcotics. This can even happen when the patient is on a pain pump that is designed to control the amount of narcotics administered. Frequently, it is the combination of a patient who has a history or respiratory issues and/or a large fleshy neck that makes a patient high risk for this type of preventable complication. Narcotics are powerful medications that are used to treat pain. One of the effects of these medications, however, is that they depress the breathing centers of the brain. The brain can be literally fooled into not telling the body to breath by these drugs. When a patient has a history of breathing issues, or a large fleshy neck that can obstruct the back of the throat, the patient must be monitored more closely by the hospital staff in order to assure that patient is getting enough oxygen. Typically, this is done on a telemetry floor that is, a floor that has a heart and breathing monitor that is displayed both in the room and at the nurses station. The system has alarms that sound when the patient is outside acceptable parameters.

Failure to adequately monitor a patient on narcotics in the hospital setting, is one frequent source of preventable injury or death in this patient population. This can occur when the patient is overdosed, when the pain pump is not set correctly or alarms are turned off, or when the patient is not put on a telemetry floor or monitored adequately.

There have been many instances of dentist over sedation resulting in deaths of children. There are hundreds more who suffer with permanent neurological and brain permanent damage, and an untold number who have gone unreported. If you have lost a loved one due to over sedation contact our free legal shield lawyers for oversedation today

Lawyers for Emergency Room Errors

Lawyers Attorneys For ER Errors

Florida Georgia Lawyers For Emergency Room Errors. Common claims of emergency room errors Attorneys pursue include the failure to properly diagnosis diseases or medical conditions, the failure to order tests, and the failure to check on a patient after discharge. Attorney referral Lawyers and Attorneys are experienced in mistakes including improper discharge of a patient, misreading x-rays or misinterpreting test results, and making surgical errors as well.
Unfortunately, some of the most common injuries requiring emergency attention are also the most commonly misdiagnosed. These include:
* Appendicitis,
* Heart disease, including acute myocardial infarction (heart attack) or other cardiac condition
* Stroke,
* Sepsis,
* Ruptured spleen,
* Meningitis,
* Compound or open fractures,
* Brain Injury,
* Spinal Injury,
* Internal hemorrhaging or bleeding
While emergency room doctors treat numerous patients under stressful conditions, that does not diminish their responsibility to make sure that each and every patient receives proper and competent medical care. If a doctor fails to provide proper emergency care, he or she is liable for the resulting injury or wrongful death.
If you or a loved one has been the victim of emergency room medical malpractice, you may be entitled to damages that include medical expenses, lost wages and other compensation.

Emergency room doctors, nurses, and staff are faced with the daunting task of rapidly admitting, diagnosing and treating patients often within minutes of their arrival in a high stress environment. Even under those demanding conditions, emergency room doctors must still provide experienced, competent and professional medical care and attention. But the unfortunate reality is that many emergency rooms are understaffed, and overworked health care providers make mistakes at critical moments or fail to render treatment in a timely manner. In fact, emergency room negligence, errors and substandard care are extremely common occurrences and can result in serious and permanent life-long disability, injury, and even death.
Common claims of emergency room error include the failure to properly diagnosis diseases or medical conditions, the failure to order tests, and the failure to check on a patient after discharge. Other mistakes include improperly discharging a patient, misreading x-rays or misinterpreting test results, and making surgical errors.

Unfortunately, some of the most common injuries requiring emergency attention are also the most commonly misdiagnosed. These include:

While emergency room doctors treat numerous patients under stressful conditions, that does not diminish their responsibility to make sure that each and every patient receives proper and competent medical care. If a doctor fails to provide proper emergency care, he or she is liable for the resulting injury or wrongful death.

If you or a loved one has been the victim of emergency room medical malpractice, you may be entitled to damages that include medical expenses, lost wages and other compensation

Lawyers for emergency room errors in: Abilene , Akron/Canton , Albany , Albany , Albuquerque , Allentown , Altoona , Amarillo , Alaska , Annapolis , Ann Arbor , Appleton , mid cities , Asheville , Ashtabula , Athens , Athens , Atlanta , Auburn , Augusta , Austin , Bakersfield , Baltimore , Baton Rouge , Battle Creek , Beaumont , Bellingham , Bemidji , Bend , Big Island , Biloxi , Binghamton , Birmingham , Bismarck , New River Valley , Bloomington , Bloomington , Boise , Boone , Boston , Boulder , Bowling Green , Bronx , Brooklyn , Brownsville , Brunswick , Buffalo , Burlington , Cape Cod , Carbondale , Catskills , Cedar Rapids , Central Jersey , Central Michigan , Chambana , Cumberland Valley , Charleston , Charleston , Charlotte , Charlottesville , Chattanooga , Chautauqua , Chesapeake , Chicago , Chico , Chillicothe , Cincinnati , Clarksville , Cleveland , Clovis / Portales , College Station , Colorado Springs , Columbia , Columbia/Jeff City , Columbus , Columbus , Cookeville , Corpus Christi , Corvallis , Cumberland Valley , Dallas , Danville , Dayton , Daytona , Washington D.C. , Decatur , Delaware , Denton , Denver , Des Moines , Detroit , Dothan , Dubuque , Duluth , Eastern , Eastern Shore , East Idaho , Eastern Kentucky , East Oregon , Eau Claire , Elko , Elmira , El Paso , Erie , Eugene , Evansville , Everett , Fairfield , Fargo , Farmington , Fayetteville , Fayetteville , Finger Lakes , Flagstaff/Sedona , Flint , Florence , Fort Collins , Fort Dodge , Fort Myers , Fort Smith , Ft Wayne , Fort Worth , Frederick , Fredericksburg , Fresno , Ft Lauderdale , Gadsden , Gainesville , Galveston , Glens Falls , Grand Forks , Grand Island , Grand Rapids , Green Bay , Greensboro , Greenville , Hampton , Harrisburg , Harrisonburg , Hartford , Hattiesburg , Hickory , Hilton Head , Holland , Honolulu , Houston , Hudson Valley , Humboldt County , Huntington , Huntington/Ashland , Huntsville , Huntsville , Imperial County , Indianapolis , Inland Empire , Iowa City , Ithaca , Jackson , Jackson , Jacksonville , Janesville , Jersey Shore , Jonesboro , Joplin , Kalamazoo , Kauai , Kansas City , Keys , Killeen , Kirksville , Knoxville , Kokomo , La Crosse , Lafayette , Lake Charles , Lakeland , Lancaster , Lansing , Laredo , La Salle County , Las Cruces , Las Vegas , Lawrence , Lawton , Lewiston , Lexington , Lima/Findlay , Lincoln , Little Rock , Logan , Long Beach , Long Island , Los Angeles , Louisville , Lake of the Ozarks , Lubbock , Lynchburg , Macon , Madison , Maine , Manhattan , Manhattan , Mankato , Mansfield , Martinsburg , Mason City , Mattoon , Maui , Mcallen , Meadville , Medford , Memphis , Mendocino , Merced , Meridian , Miami , Milwaukee , Minneapolis / St Paul , Minot , Mobile , Modesto , Mohave County , Monroe , Monroe , Montana , Monterey , Montgomery , Morgantown , Moses Lake , Muncie , Muskegon , Myrtle Beach , Nashville , Natchez , New Hampshire , New Haven , Eastern Connecticut , New Orleans , Newport News , Norfolk , north dfw , Northern Michigan , North Jersey , North Mississippi , North Platte , Northern Virginia , Northwest Connecticut , Northwest Georgia , Ocala , Odessa , Ogden , Oklahoma City , Olympia , Omaha , Oneonta , O.C. , Oregon Coast , Orlando , Ottumwa , Outer Banks , Owensboro , Palmdale , Palm Springs , Panama City , Parkersburg , State College , Pensacola , Peoria , Philadelphia , Phoenix , Pittsburgh , Plattsburgh , Poconos , Port Huron , Portland , Portsmouth , Potsdam , Prescott , Providence , Provo , Pueblo , Pullman , Quad Cities , Queens , Western Illinois , Racine , Raleigh , Reading , Redding , Reno , Richmond , Richmond , Roanoke , Rochester , Rochester , Rockford , Rockies , Roseburg , Sacramento , Saginaw , Salem , Salt Lake City , San Antonio , San Diego , Sandusky , San Fernando Valley , San Gabriel Valley , San Jose , San Luis Obispo , San Marcos , San Mateo ,