
Nationwide Testosterone Lawyers For Heart Attack and Stroke Victims

Nationwide Testosterone Lawsuit Attorney Network

Get A Testosterone Lawsuit Lawyer Handling Testosterone Heart Attack and Stroke Lawsuits

If you or a loved one suffered from a heart attack or stroke while using AndroGel you may be entitled to damages. We provide free no-obligation Atlanta testosterone lawsuit case review. We do not charge attorney fees unless you receive compensation and you are under no obligation after your initial consultation.

Testosterone Therapy May Raise Heart Attack Risks

Researchers say risk of heart attack doubles after treatment starts for men under 65 with heart problems and all men over 65.

Nationwide AndroGel Lawsuit Attorneys
Testosterone Stroke and Heart Attack

AndroGel® (testosterone gel) is a daily testosterone replacement therapy that can help bring T levels back to normal with daily use.

FDA Is Investigating Potential Heart Attacks And Strokes From Testosterone Products

On Jan. 31, 2014, the FDA announced it would be investigating the risk of heart attacks, strokes and possible deaths in men using testosterone products. The FDA made this announcement after reviewing the study conducted at the National Cancer Institute, as well as the study published in JAMA. The FDA recommended the health care practitioners should consider the benefits of testosterone treatment and potential the risks.

If you or a loved one has had a stroke or heart attack after using testosterone therapy call now and get connected to one of our experienced testerone lawyers

Mirena IUD Lawyers Accepting Mirena IUD Lawsuits Nationwide

Free Legal Shield Mirena IUD Lawyers are accepting Mirena IUD cases where the device has migrated from position to the uterus, abdomen or a nearby organ. The device becomes embedded and causes a perforation and usually needs to be surgically removed.

Can you answer yes to any of these questions? If so, we need to hear from you today.

Were there any complications with the original insertion?
Do you have a perforation?
Has the device been surgically removed?

Symptoms to watch out for include:

Lower abdominal pain
Heavy vaginal bleeding
Inability to locate the Mirena IUD string
Bloating,and pain in the abdomen
Nausea, Vomiting, Chills, Fever and Rapid heartbeat

Serious side effects that have been linked to Mirena include:

  • Embedment in the uterus
  • Embedment in the abdomen or a nearby organ
  • Erosion of adjacent areas such as the vagina
  • Intestinal perforations or obstruction
  • Perforation of the uterus

Mirena IUD Lawsuits Alert

Mirena IUD lawyers are filing Mirena lawsuits for a implanted Mirena IUD needing to be surgically removed because it migrated from its original position and perforated the uterine lining, You may have a potential Mirena lawsuit.

Legal Shield has launched an aggressive outreach campaign to locate all women who have had a perforation of the uterus or abdomen or another organ.

Lawyers for Airplane Accidents and Aviation Crash Injuries

Nationwide Airplane Crash Lawyers

Nationwide Lawyers for Airplane Accidents and Aviation Crash Injuries

An airplane disaster with loss of life can be devastating to a family and can cause severe emotional distress. If you or a loved one is a victim of an aircraft accident, control tower misconduct, or pilot negligence, not only do you need an aggressive airplane accident lawyer, but you also need emotional support. An airplane disaster can affect you for months, and live in your memory for years. Our experienced airplane crash lawyers provide effective representation while understanding your emotional needs after such a traumatic experience.

When an airplane crash occurs, people try to make sense of what happened in order to deal with the anxiety and stress of the situation. Emotional and psychological trauma results from the extraordinarily stressful event. This may shatter your sense of security, making you feel helpless and vulnerable in a dangerous world. The emotional damage can linger long after the crisis is over and a permanent mark may be left on your psyche. Further, airplane accident lawsuits do not settle quickly or easily thus, adding to your overall stress. For this reason, your choice of an airplane accident law firm is extremely important. A law firm inexperienced with these disasters may not understand the extent of your emotional trauma. The aircraft disaster team at Injury Lawyers USA has over 15 years of experience, as they have served the needs of airplane crash victims since 1996.

After a disaster of this magnitude, you may begin to have some common psychological reactions such as:

– Disbelief, shock, and post traumatic stress
– Fear and anxiety about the present and the future
– Disorientation; difficulty making decisions or concentrating
– Apathy and emotional numbing
– Nightmares and reoccurring thoughts about the event
– Irritability, anger, and occasional outbursts
– Sadness and depression
– Feeling powerless
– Changes in eating patterns; loss of appetite or overeating
– Crying for “no apparent reason”
– Headaches, back pains, and stomach problems
– Difficulty sleeping or falling asleep; sleep deprivation symptoms
– Increased use of alcohol and drugs

Facts About Airplane Accident Law

Airplanes are considered common carriers. This means that aircraft employees are required to use the highest degree of care in transporting you to your destination. The airplane carrier is also required to inspect and maintain all equipment, and workers are required to have the skill to carry out their duties in order to protect your safety. When the airline fails to uphold these safety standards, accidents can occur. The airplane accident lawyers at Injury Lawyers USA will argue that the airline failed to satisfy its duty of the highest care to you.

If you or a loved one has been injured in an airplane accident, seek out a law office that will aggressively pursue your case while providing you with the care and concern you deserve. As it may be difficult to make decisions during a time of such vulnerability, it is necessary to trust the airplane crash lawyer you retain. Injury Lawyers USA is here for you. Our lawyers are experienced in dealing with such issues are available to guide you and help you during this difficult time.

Airplane crashes and injuries can be caused by:

-Dangerous conditions inside the aircraft
-Careless handling of the aircraft
-Severe turbulence
-Negligent actions by incompetent flight staff
-Faulty maintenance of the aircraft and equipment
-Poor flight and airport traffic control
-Faulty equipment at the airport

Many federal, state, and international laws regulate standards for the maintenance, operation, and safety of airplanes. However, even though these laws help protect passengers of airlines, an accident may still happen. Aviation law covers personal injuries that occur aboard aircraft, including slip and fall accidents and wrongful deaths that may occur in the rare case that an airplane crashes. The laws are highly specialized, and the causes of airplane accidents may be difficult to determine. Our lawyers are skilled litigators assisting crash victims and families nationwide and internationally. If you or a loved one has been injured in an airplane accident, your lawyer can review your case, protect your rights, and help you get the compensation you deserve. Our airplane accident lawyers at Injury Lawyers USA are supportive of your personal and emotional needs and fierce in their legal representation.

Contact us if you or a loved one has been a victim of:

U.S. airline accident l awyer ,
Private aircraft accident lawyer,
International aviation accident lawyer,
Helicopter crash lawyer,
Sightseeing air tour accident,
Charter aircraft accident,
Medical aircraft crash,
Flight school accident,
Seaplane crash,
Air Balloon crash,

Fighting for the people…….Demanding truth, justice and accountability Airplane Crash Wrongful Death

Vaginal mesh Is a Global Pandemic, Vaginal Mesh lawyer

"Transvaginal Mesh Caused Five Years of Hell for Me, My Husband, My Kids"
February 8, 2012, 10:30:00AM. By Jane Mundy Email to a friendEmail

Sydney, NS: Leslie was 40 years old in 2007 when she had transvaginal mesh—a TVT sling—implanted. Since that time, she has had at least six MRIs and about a dozen CAT Scans. She has been in and out of the hospital on numerous occasions—including the renal unit for three months—and she couldn t have sex with her husband until last October. "Both my husband and I want to warn women about these transvaginal mesh devices," she says. "I don t think many people realize the devastation this mesh can create."

"Transvaginal Mesh Caused Five Years of Hell for Me, My Husband, My Kids"Neither Leslie (not her real name) nor her doctor had any idea of the complications associated with TVT slings and transvaginal mesh devices. It wasn t until a year after Leslie s initial surgery when the FDA issued a safety alert, even though manufacturers like American Medical Systems and Bard, the maker of Avaulta, had received more than 1,000 complaints since 2005. Leslie knew her gynecologist was using the TVT but she knew nothing about it, other than that it would "stabilize and hold her bladder," according to her doctor.

Within just a few weeks of surgery, Leslie had severe pain in her groin and a nasty urinary tract infection. Then she got lower back pain. Then it got a whole lot worse.

"My blood pressure soared from 120/90 to 210/160 in no time at all, for no apparent reason," says Leslie. "Then I got hyper-pigmentation (not a rash) all over my face, neck and arms. A dermatologist told me it was systemic: something inside me was causing it but he had no idea what it could be. Then my face and ears would flush to beet red and my blood pressure would get so high I had respiratory problems. I couldn t breathe and my heart rate would go as high as 150 bpm when I was sitting down.

"I went to ER so many times and they chalked it up to the urinary tract infection. Next up, I got edema and within three years I gained about 50 pounds (I am not a big eater and I don t eat junk food—in fact I was very athletic prior to the TVT surgery). My abdomen became so swollen it looked like I was pregnant. My voice became hoarse and then I got esophagus problems; I could never understand where this was coming from. Then I was sent to an ear, nose and throat doctor. Next came blurred vision and I lost my peripheral vision. An optometrist determined it was so bad I couldn t drive anymore. I lost my hearing in my left ear…

"My husband and I were beside ourselves."

So what does this all have to do with Leslie s transvaginal mesh surgery? It all links to her immune system. Unfortunately, it took a few years to figure that out. Neither Leslie nor the litany of specialists she saw clued in that the mesh erosion, which almost killed her, was the cause of so much pain, not to mention frustration and financial ruin.

By December, Leslie s immune system was so poor that her family physician ordered a barium enema. The technician found a large polyp in her colon and she had a colonoscopy right away. They found four massive polyps—but what caused them? Leslie was told that large polyps usually turn into cancer, but they were benign—and that was the only good news she had, right up until the end of 2011.

"I got so sick that and I couldn t walk up or down my stairs," says Leslie. "I couldn t do the laundry, couldn t do the dishes. I knew I was in serious trouble when I got half way up the stairs and my chest was so tight I couldn t breathe. I tried yelling to my 10-year-old to help me to bed. My husband raced home and I felt a bit better. The next morning I had to go for another barium swallow. This time the technician sent me to ER after he took my blood pressure: it was 240/150, but my respiratory rate was low. My kidneys were not working and no one could understand what was going on.

Vaginal Mesh lawyers are filing lawsuits for Vaginal mesh injury. This appears to be a global issue going all the way to sidney Australia.

The vaginal mesh lawsuits in the U.S.A are starting and you must get a vaginal mesh lawyer to protect your legal rights immediately.

"An ambulance raced me to the renal unit of Sydney Hospital, where I stayed for three months. Everything was going wrong. At one time my cortisol levels were so high everyone thought I was going to die.

"My husband and my kids were losing their minds.

"I had every specialist you could imagine looking at me. They agreed it was systemic and a few doctors knew it was something auto-immune but no one figured it out."

Leslie was booked for surgery to get cysts removed from her stomach but the surgeon told her she was too sick for surgery and advised that she go home, try to get better and come back in a few months. But when Leslie got home, she almost gave up.

"Just before I decided to take all the pills on my bedside table, my friend, a nurse, came over and she, along with her neurologist friend, saved my life," explains Leslie, on the verge of tears. "I told her everything and she said, It has to do with the TVT surgery, and insisted that I call a urogynecologist, who specializes in the care of women with pelvic floor dysfunction.

"By this time we were financially devastated. My husband wasn t working because he was taking care of me, but we had no choice.

"The urogynecologist did a pelvic exam and right away felt massive erosion. She asked if I had a mesh implanted. Then she did a cystoscopy and determined that the TVT mesh was cutting off the right ureter. Later, she found that the mesh was also cutting off the urethra.

She said, You need surgery, you cannot have a foreign object in an organ. She said the infection was so bad, It is going through your entire system, you need to get it removed now. That was December 2010.

"She found the mesh embedded in the urethra but she couldn t remove it. This is way above my skill level, I cannot do it, she told me. But I had some relief from this surgery and I was referred to another specialist, a reconstructive urologist.

"I had yet another surgery in October 2011. He said the mesh was In every place it shouldn t be, eroded in my colon, bladder, pelvic floor. He said it was one of the biggest surgeries he had ever done.

"Now I feel infection-free for the first time in five years, and I don t have to take anymore antibiotics. But I m not out of the woods yet.

"The reconstructive urologist noticed something on my urethra and he believes it is a piece of mesh. So I have to go back in three weeks. My bladder still isn t right; it takes a long time to empty and I can t hold my urine, I have no muscle left in my bladder. So I have to undergo yet another surgery.

"I started to feel better and had enough energy to research transvaginal mesh online. I looked for FDA warnings and found so many women going through these problems. And I am furious.

"My husband and I also found the TVM attorney online. Right now our fight is to get me better and my attorney can go after the TVT and TVM manufacturer. My attorney has all my medical records including the lot number of the TVT sling.

"My kids and husband have lost so much because of this. Everyone needs to know that these companies are using us as guinea pigs. When I found out about the 501(k), how these medical device makers can put products on the market without clinical trials, I cried my heart out. How could the FDA allow this?

"My attorney said it is OK for me to talk about this. I just want people to know the hell I have gone through; I want this taken off the market, forever."

Whistle blower and Qui Tam Lawyers

Whistleblower and Qui Tam Lawyers,False Claims Act

When an employer is suspected of engaging in illegal actions and benefiting from these actions, an employee may take it upon him or herself to report this to the proper authorities. When this happens, the individual who did the reporting is called a whistleblower. Lawyers of Free Legal Shield have experience helping employees with whistleblower representation for many years. We can protect the rights of employees who are acting as the whistleblower. Qui Tam and whistleblower cases can fall under the category of class action litigation.


Many whistleblowers find themselves facing problems for the reporting of the suspected activities of their employer. Qui Tam and Whistleblower lawyers assist employees with whistleblower cases and the potential for retaliation or actions taken by the employer.

Qui Tam

Closely related to whistleblower actions, qui tam is a provision of the federal False Claims Act. Under this act, a qui tam action may be filed by a private citizen (usually the whistleblower) charging fraud against a government contractor or a business receiving government funds. The result of this lawsuit is that the citizen may share in the funds that are recovered by the government. Some Qui Tam cses can result in substantial compensation to the whistleblower. Protecting the public against fraud is the purchase of Qui Tam. It is a citizens responsibilty to protect all by reporting illegal theft of Government funds.

Qui Tam in the Health Care Industry

One area in which Qui Tam claims are growing is the health care industry. When an employee has knowledge of fraud involving Medicare, pharmaceutical misconduct or other activity involving government reimbursement or payment for health care, they should speak to a lawyer at our firm for assistance in determining if they may have uncovered a valid claim for wrongdoing and filing a qui tam lawsuit under the False Claims Act. If you report a government fraud or Qui Tam case you may be entitled to substantial compensation.

For more information about whistleblower and qui tam cases contact Free Legal Shield.