
Whistle blower and Qui Tam Lawyers

Whistleblower and Qui Tam Lawyers,False Claims Act

When an employer is suspected of engaging in illegal actions and benefiting from these actions, an employee may take it upon him or herself to report this to the proper authorities. When this happens, the individual who did the reporting is called a whistleblower. Lawyers of Free Legal Shield have experience helping employees with whistleblower representation for many years. We can protect the rights of employees who are acting as the whistleblower. Qui Tam and whistleblower cases can fall under the category of class action litigation.


Many whistleblowers find themselves facing problems for the reporting of the suspected activities of their employer. Qui Tam and Whistleblower lawyers assist employees with whistleblower cases and the potential for retaliation or actions taken by the employer.

Qui Tam

Closely related to whistleblower actions, qui tam is a provision of the federal False Claims Act. Under this act, a qui tam action may be filed by a private citizen (usually the whistleblower) charging fraud against a government contractor or a business receiving government funds. The result of this lawsuit is that the citizen may share in the funds that are recovered by the government. Some Qui Tam cses can result in substantial compensation to the whistleblower. Protecting the public against fraud is the purchase of Qui Tam. It is a citizens responsibilty to protect all by reporting illegal theft of Government funds.

Qui Tam in the Health Care Industry

One area in which Qui Tam claims are growing is the health care industry. When an employee has knowledge of fraud involving Medicare, pharmaceutical misconduct or other activity involving government reimbursement or payment for health care, they should speak to a lawyer at our firm for assistance in determining if they may have uncovered a valid claim for wrongdoing and filing a qui tam lawsuit under the False Claims Act. If you report a government fraud or Qui Tam case you may be entitled to substantial compensation.

For more information about whistleblower and qui tam cases contact Free Legal Shield.