Gynecare morcellator lawyer

Power Morcellator Lawyers

16Power Morcellator Lawsuits On The Ris

Aetna insurance company has removed the insurance coverage for laparoscopic power morcellator devices when used for hysterectomies and myomectomies. Morcellator lawsuits have been filed against manufacturers of the device claiming that the power morcellator can expose and spread cancer cells during gynecological surgeries.
FDA Power Morcellator Warnings

The United States Food and Drug Administration has issued a warning statement regarding laparoscopic power morcellation procedures on uterine fibroids and the risk of disseminating previously undetected cancer cells. The spreading of these cancer cells could cause an accelerated cancer that could become fatal.

After the FDA announcement Aetna ended coverage of morcellators used in gynecological surgeries. They informed physicians that they were still may cover other power morcellators. Aetna could decide whether or not to cover on a case-by-case basis.
Get A Morcellator- Cancer Lawyer

Power morcellator lawsuits have been consolidated in multidistrict litigation number 2652 in the United States District of Kansas overseen by Judge Kathryn H. Vratil.

We have morcellator lawyers to help women who have undergone gynecological surgeries involving laparoscopic power morcellation have been diagnosed with cancer._

Power Morcellator Lawsuits On The Rise

Aetna insurance company has removed the insurance coverage for laparoscopic power morcellator devices when used for hysterectomies and myomectomies. Morcellator lawsuits have been filed against manufacturers of the device claiming that the power morcellator can expose and spread cancer cells during gynecological surgeries.
FDA Power Morcellator Warnings

The United States Food and Drug Administration has issued a warning statement regarding laparoscopic power morcellation procedures on uterine fibroids and the risk of disseminating previously undetected cancer cells. The spreading of these cancer cells could cause an accelerated cancer that could become fatal.

After the FDA announcement Aetna ended coverage of morcellators used in gynecological surgeries. They informed physicians that they were still may cover other power morcellators. Aetna could decide whether or not to cover on a case-by-case basis.
Get A Morcellator- Cancer Lawyer

Power morcellator lawsuits have been consolidated in multidistrict litigation number 2652 in the United States District of Kansas overseen by Judge Kathryn H. Vratil.

We have morcellator lawyers to help women who have undergone gynecological surgeries involving laparoscopic power morcellation have been diagnosed with cancer.