Ealeigh vaginal mesh lawyer

Raleigh Area Vaginal Mesh Lawyers

Our Raleigh- Durham dangerous drugs and devices attorneys are filing lawsuits for Raleigh women for vaginal mesh, bladder sling, Stryker Hip Replacments and Yaz birth control pills.

The Raleigh Vaginal Mesh Lawsuits are perhaps the leargest mass tort class actions we have seen harming women since the Dow Corning Breast Implant Class Action. Thousands of women have been harmed with an estimated 300,000 Prolene mesh implants. Prolene is a synthetic substance that has been use to create a hammock like support for a uterine prolapse. It is also used to tighten the urethal sphincter to help with SUI or active urinary incontinence. This is minor leakage when coughing, sneezing or during phsical activity or exertion that put pressure.

In 2011 the FDA published a warning on these vaginal mesh and bladder sling devices and lawsuits started pouring in from women claiming the failed mesh had caused re prolapse, the return of urinary incontinence, bleeding, infections, inability to have intimate relations with their spouse, severe relentless pain and the need for multiple revision surgeries.

Free Legal Shield has opened a Vaginal Mesh Injury Department to help women file Raleigh vaginal mesh lawsuits easily. Most of these Raleigh transvaginal mesh lawsuits will be a part of a consolidated MDL in West Virginia. Do to the vast numbers and similarity in complications a consolidated MDL helps save court expense and allows for an easier negotiating process.