cancer misdiagnosis attorney

Cancer Misdiagnosis Malpractice Lawyers

Cancer misdiagnosis malpractice lawyers should be contacted if your cancer has been wrongly diasgnosed 800 733-5342

Cancer misdiagnosis is on the rise, despite innovative medical advances. In fact, every year an estimated 12% of cancer cases or one of every 8 are initially misdiagnosed. While a cancer misdiagnosis can cause tremendous pain, fear, stress and financial loss, it also substantially reduces a patient’s chances for full recovery and survival. Medical advances in MRIs and x-rays provide patients with an increased chance at a full recovery; however, a full, healthy recovery depends on a timely diagnosis and proper treatment. A negligently delayed diagnosis of cancer can result in the spread of the disease to a point beyond which medical intervention can help. The progression of cancer can lead to a substantial increase in medical bills, pain and suffering, personal injury and wrongful death.

As a result of medical malpractice, cancer is often misdiagnosed as a cyst, chronic fatigue, graves disease, oral thrust, leukoplakia, dermatitis, halitosis, gastroparesis or anorexia nervosa. Mistakes that malpractice lawyers actions for include:

  • Breast cancer
  • Prostate cancer
  • Kidney cancer
  • Brain cancer
  • Lung cancer
  • Leukemia

Cancer Misdiagnosis malpractice lawyers have filed following causes of action in cancer diagnosis mistakes

  • Failure to order or follow up on tests, including a biopsy
  • Mistakenly diagnosing a tumor as benign
  • Mistakenly diagnosing a tumor as a cyst or an infection
  • Ignoring common symptoms of cancer, such as fatigue
  • Failure to identify lumps
  • Failure to follow-up with a patient
  • Misinterpretation of test results.

Call The attorney referral service at 800 733-5342 for a cancer misdiagnosis malpractice lawyer

Alternatively, patients might be incorrectly diagnosed with cancer, resulting in tremendous pain and suffering caused by unnecessary surgery, radiation and extensive chemotherapy.

If you or a loved one has been the victim of cancer diagnosis error and resulting medical malpractice, you may be entitled to damages including medical expenses, lost wages and other compensation.